Friday 28 June, 2024

International Blunder


Muntezar & Muntedhar -

Such confusing names!

Who are you & who is he?

Oh! Woe is me!

You said you would certainly be

A peaceful tenant of mine,

but peace I have never known

after you reached this house of mine.

First the water, then the electricity,

Then the air conditioner as well:

Every day you would complain

till all was well contained.

I finally sat in my chair

Thinking – it’s all over now.

But the phone rings,

It’s the immigration officer!

“5 years I’ll put you in jail”

“But why sir? Why?”

“You submitted their documents late.”

 “But within 24 hours I did sir!”

“No! You were 5 minutes late!

 Pay the 50,000 fine or go to jail!”

I collapsed.

Now I wonder from up in the clouds,

Did my wife pay? Or was it my son?

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