It’s Maundy Thursday & I’m just back from church, contemplating after breakfast. I thought I should post here 2 thoughts that I consider very relevant today. They were the crux of today’s sermon.
The priest began his sermon by asking the children in the front pew whether they liked him and respected him to which they nodded in the affirmative. Then he asked them to do exactly as they were told to which they agreed. At this he asked them to raise their index finger and place it on their cheek, which they promptly did. But what happened was while he was telling them to do this, he raised his thumb and did the same action. So the kids had also lifted their thumb and done the same. That was a practical lesson on Christ. You see Christ did not believe in just preaching and talking he believed in changing people through his actions. Just think about all the things he did that were considered sacrilegious in his time – healing the sick in God’s name and that too on the Sabbath, dining with sinners, eating with unwashed hands, speaking against religious leaders . . . He was a real rebel. But one with a heart.
And that leads me to the second message I perceived. You see, Jesus, in all that he did always tried to reach the heart. How he changed Zacchias around, how he felt sorry for the lost sheep, how he totally cared for his disciples, enough to stop the elements from harming them while at sea . . . In all that He did He wanted to reach the people where it mattered most and where else but that part of the brain which we call the heart? He knew that if He touched them there, they would be His always. And that is why he continues to reign in our hearts.
May this Holy Week bring peace to everyone. God bless.