Tuesday 19 August, 2008

Tina speaks again

the Leo speaks about herself again…. Yes I’m probably being egoistic again… as I sit listening to Stephen Devassy I realize how complex I can really be – any individual for that matter. And also how intense. While I continue to be single, I realize that one of the reasons is coz’ people cannot handle my intensity in living life. Not even other Leos. That’s the problem with being a cusp of Cancer and Leo. You end up having so much from both sides that it gets too hot to handle.

People often know me as the cheerful and bright person that I present to be. The one who always tries to see life from the fun side. But that’s not all there is to me. The real Tina sees life from a very different perspective. In solitude, very distant from this world, I have often found myself. It isn’t easy being alone, as all of us know. It is even worse when you know that hardly anyone will ever understand you no matter how transparent you may be to yourself.

Next time you envy a Cancer-Leo cusp, stop for a moment and empathise with this lot that never can show their real selves to the world. Living life intensely is not easy at all. Trust me on this one. I know how difficult it can be seeing all the Shallow Hals around you. I have to meet some of them everyday. I cannot imagine spending all my life talking only about the latest clothes and what Marykutty said to her ‘pharthav’(translation: hubby) or why Sinsimol and Bincymol fell from their respective pedestals. Ah-ah. Not me. I’d rather dig ditches. I do like fashion. I do like to listen to interesting titbits (translated gossip). But that’s just about 3% of what your life is to be used for. There’s another 97% left that can be used for a purpose and higher thinking.

Life is beautiful. There’s so much that can be done with it. Like helping people out, creating differences, spreading sunshine. Shallow Hals and Hallowinas. Get a life coz’ life is really, and I mean really, short. It’s here today, gone tomorrow.

If you can’t join us Cancer-Leo cusps, at least do something worthwhile, something you can tell your grandchildren about.

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