Friday, 11 December 2015

Finding the Elusive

I believed
the ever-elusive happiness
would find me
when I would receive
the mum-in-law’s love,
a love that would desperately replace
the searing ache I felt
when I heard the words Mother’s love.
I hoped to finally be cherished you see
by someone who would see more than
just faults and defects
and a table to unburden load upon.
I hoped they would see my warmth
and recognize the depths of my passion
and proudly highlight my achievements
instead of disapproving glances.
And when this didn’t happen
I lost all  hope.
And that’s when
While wallowing in my misery
with the force of a butterfly wing
you nudged me
and then encased me
in the whirwind of your love,
my beloved, my paramour, my all – my divine.
It was you I had wanted and needed
all those years ago and still do.

My mine. 

Her Own Person

sent away
left to die,
she fought back
with every broken bone
till she could heal enough
to stand on 2 legs
and become her own person:


Sunday, 6 December 2015

A-tempting Fate

With faces of stone
Seated comfortably where they are
Like Ganapati and Siva
They declare fates
And we the hapless people
Are forced to run in circles
As per their dictums and laws
That make sense alone
In a universe they alone know of
Till either our backs or our brains
Give in
And we too join the long que
Of those awaiting their fate.