Wednesday 4 December, 2019

The Kathakali Artist

Mirroring nails he slips on
his face greasy green
the white skirt encircles and entombs
his already large hips.
He readies himself for the performance
as he imagines
how they will see him today
to be killed yet again
by Bhima aka Vallala.
What not.
Would they ever see him as noble?
As a man of great talent?
Not just the man
Sairanthri asked to be taken care of?
After all didn’t Keechaka
possess charm and masculinity?
Wasn’t he worthy of being followed?
Sighing he walks to the stage.
Who would listen to a poor actor’s thoughts
For Keechaka exists
only in the realms of the theatre.
The world of the make believe
stops at the edge of the curtain
for that is where reality steps in
to tear away the world of dreams.
(Based on a reading of the play Marattam)

1 comment:

Ramki iyer said...

To read a goodness in z bad character, one act play by the character is better. It can give 360 degree views.
Please start a blog for mythology character review from 20 different people you may get new insights